Institutional Partnership ProgramUniversities from all parts of the world, with reputations for leading scholarship and strong educational programs in public policy and comparative studies, may become International Institutional Members, also referred to as Partners, of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) and the Scholarly Society for International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum (ICPA- Forum). Institutional membership is by invitation only and represents recognition of the contributions made to the field of comparative public policy by the institution, its educational programs, the scholarly reputation of its faculty and the research they produce. Purpose: Funds received through the invitational International Institutional Membership Program are used to support the JCPA/ICPA-Forum related activities to advance the domain of comparative international policy studies. These include, but are not limited to: annual workshops in the area of comparative policy studies, guest lectures, awards for best comparative papers at key international conferences, sponsorship of comparative panels at conferences, collaborative comparative research, comparative public policy publications of books, book series and others, as well as other initiatives suggested by sponsors and approved by the Board of Directors. Institutions are asked to commit to maintain membership for a period of no less than three (3) years. Levels of Partnership and Benefits: The Program is at one of three levels: Gold or Silver, corresponding to annual rates as of January 1, 2016, of $1050 and $550 US, respectively. Benefits of each level of sponsorship are listed in the table below. As of 2020 we welcome invited institutions to become JCPA and ICPA-Forum Sponsors extending sponsorship of over $3500. Selected through bids in past years, the JCPA and ICPA-Forum offers the opportunity to establish a Hub of Comparative Public Policy, hosting the Journal and Scholarly Society by involving faculty in the leadership of the Journal and Society and their initiatives. The forms and extent of support is negotiable. Finally, as a not-for-profit Society the ICPA-Forum is also open to donations. Council Leadership: Representatives of all Partner Institutions are invited to serve on the JCPA and ICPA-Forum Council, represent the JCPA and ICPA-Forum Council, and actively be involved in decision making and initiatives.For information about Institutional Membership / Sponsorship opportunities, contact the JCPA/ICPA-Forum Executive Coordinator for International Partnerships, Shawn Drake at INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL MEMBER PROGRAM BENEFITS OVERVIEW: Universities on the five continents with reputations for leading scholarship, strong educational programs in public policy and comparative studies, or developing such comparative programs, may apply or be invited to become an Institutional Member of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) and the Scholarly Society for International Comparative Policy Analysis (SCPA). Institutions are asked to commit to maintain this status for no less than three (3) years. Discount Advance payment is 10%. PURPOSE: Funds received through the invitational International Institutional Membership Program are used to support the JCPA and Scholarly Society’s related activities meant to advance quality comparative policy scholarship. These include, but are not limited to: annual workshops, webinars, guest lectures, awards for best comparative papers at Member associations conferences, awards for Best JCPA Reviewers, award for Best JCPA Author, collaborative comparative research, comparative public policy publications, as well as other initiatives suggested by members. BENEFITS TO MEMBER INSTITUTIONS:As an International Institutional Member, you will realize the following benefits:(Monitored) FREE ADVERTISEMENTS including program announcements, calls for papers, events, and hiring adverts -- through our Listserv of over 8000 members and/or a half page in the hardcopy of the JCPA.VISIBILITY and ACCESS: School’s name/logo/link to appear on the front page of each Issue of the JCPA (six Issues per year) and on the JCPA and the Society’s webpageREPRESENTATION on the International Institutional Council of the JCPA/SCPA -- a say in the steering of the field and collaboration amongst Member institutionsACKNOWLEDGEMENT at events (e.g., 10 international Comparative Awards gatherings) and other activities or sponsored activities of the SCPA and the JCPAAnnual JCPA Internships for graduate students (PhD or Postdoc) - access to the ins of scholarly publishingSPECIAL SYMPOSIA ISSUES -- Priority and fast-track review of proposals for publication in the JCPAJCPA Articles Priority in Publication Slotting for accepted articles by your facultyFREE ACCESS of one-month granted to articles published in the JCPA by your facultyPRIORITY TO ANNUAL JCPA/SCPA WORKSHOPS or RESEARCH SYMPOSIA proposals and hostingSPONSORED RESEARCH and PUBLICATIONSJOINT Applications for research grantsA FREE annual copy of the JCPA in hardcopy or as online access – per requestDISCOUNT of 30% on all Routledge books and journals to your faculty membersFREE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP to two doctoral students or two entry-level faculty inclusive of all benefitsINTERNATIONAL NETWORK FACILITATION to faculty and students for collaborations and exchanges based on types of inter-universities agreementsACCESS to our Newsletters, Alerts and Call for Papers.INSTITUTIONAL HOSTING PROGRAMTsinghua University, School of Public Policy & Management, ChinaGold PartnersBeijing Normal University, ChinaBinghamton University, Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, USACarleton University, School of Public Policy and Administration, CanadaChinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Government and Public Administration, Hong KongCity University of Hong Kong, Department of Public and International Affairs, Hong Kong College of Public Policy at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, School of Economics, Administration and Public Policy, QatarErasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Public Administration, The NetherlandsJindal School of Government and Public Policy, IndiaKatholieke University, Master of European Politics and Policies, Leuven, BelgiumKoç University, Center for Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance Department of International Relations, TurkeyLudwig Maximilian University of Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science, GermanyMcGill University, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, Montreal, CanadaSchool of Government - University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, ChinaSimon Fraser University, School of Public Policy, CanadaTsinghua University, School of Public Policy & Management, ChinaUniversity of California, Berkley, Goldman School of Public Policy, USUniversity of Hong Kong, Department of Politics & Public Administration, Hong KongUniversity of Exeter, Department of Politics, Exeter, UKWORLD Policy Analysis Center at UCLAYale University, School of Management, USSilver PartnersBucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaChang Mai University, School of Public Policy, ThailandCharles University, Department of Public and Social Policy, Prague, Česká republikaFacultad Latinoamericana, Ciencias Sociales - FLASCO, Quito, EquadorKansai University Osaka, Faculty of Policy Studies, JapanHebrew University of Jerusalem, Federmann School of Public Policy and Government, IsraelHeidelberg University, Institute of Political Science, GermanyMcMaster University, Department of Political Science, CanadaNew York University, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, USA,Shih Hsin University, Department of Public Policy & Management, TaiwanUniversity of Aarhus, Department of Political Science, DenmarkUniversity of Madison - Wisconsin, the La Follette School of Public Affairs, USAUniversity of Oklahoma, Department of International and Area Studies, USA»» Become a Gold or Silver Institutional Partner International Institutional Partners Council RepresentativesNameInstitutionAli, Hamid E.Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, School of Economics, Administration and Public PolicyBakir, CanerGLODEM, Koç University, TurkeyBéland, DanielMcGill University, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, Montreal, CanadaBrans, MarleenKU Leuven, BelgiumDunlop, ClaireUniversity of Exeter, Department of Politics, Exeter, UKFontaine, GuillaumeFLACSO, EcuadorFritzen, ScottUniversity of Oklahoma, Department of International and Area Studies, USAGlied, SherryNew York University, USAGofen, AnatHebrew University of Jerusalem, Federmann School of Public Policy and Government, IsraelGreen-Pedersen, ChristofferUniversity of Aarhus, DenmarkHird, John A.University of Massachusetts, AmherstJohnson, Tim; Thompson, FredWilliamette University, Oregon, USAKnill, ChristophLudwig Maximilian University of Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science, GermanyKuo, Yu-YingShih Hsin University, Department of Public Policy & Management, TaiwanLam, DannyDepartment of Politics & Public Administration, University of Hong KongLi, WeiChinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Government and Public Administration, Hong KongNekola, Martin; Veselý, ArnoštDepartment of Public and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, PragueOkamoto, TetsukazuKansai University, JapanPal, LeslieCollege of Public Policy at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, QatarPoocharoen, Ora-ornChang Mai University, School of Public Policy, ThailandPorter, TonyMcMaster University, Department of Political Science, CanadaProfiroiu, Marius ConstantinBucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaScholten, PeterErasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Public Administration, The NetherlandsScott, ClaudiaVictoria University of Wellington, New ZealandSingh, NareshJindal School of Government and Public Policy, IndiaTosun, JaleHeidelberg University, Institute of Political Science, GermanyWalker, Richard M.City University of Hong Kong, Department of Public and International Affairs, Hong KongWeimer, DavidUniversity of Madison-Wisconsin,USAZhu, XufengTsinghua University, Beijing, China