Become a JCPA and ICPA-Forum Sponsor

International Institutional Members / Sponsors:

Universities from all parts of the world with reputations for leading scholarship and strong educational programs in public policy and comparative studies may become International Institutional Members, also referred to as a JCPA and ICPA-Forum Sponsor, of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) and the International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum (ICPA- Forum). Institutional membership is by invitation only and represents recognition of the contributions made to the field of comparative public policy by the institution, its educational programs, the scholarly reputation of its faculty and the research they produce.

The International Institutional Council:

The International Institutional Council is the leadership team of the International Sponsorship Program. It consists of representatives of each member institution advancing collaborations, exchanges and initiatives. Council members are represented on the Board of Directors on rotation among its representatives. The Council is Chaired by the Director of Institutional Partnerships. Click here to view our International Institutional Sponsors.


Funds received through the invitational International Institutional Membership Program are used to support the JCPA/ICPA-Forum related activities to advance the domain of comparative international policy studies. These include, but are not limited to: annual workshops in the area of comparative policy studies, guest lectures, awards for best comparative papers at key international conferences, sponsorship of comparative panels at conferences, collaborative comparative research, comparative public policy publications of books, book series and others, as well as other initiatives suggested by sponsors and approved by the Board of Directors. Institutions are asked to commit to maintain membership for a period of no less than four (4) years.

Levels Of Sponsorship & Benefits To Member Institutions/Sponsors:

Sponsorship is at one of two levels: Gold or Silver, corresponding to annual rates as of January 1, 2016, of $1050 and $550 US, respectively. Benefits of each level of sponsorship are listed in the table below.

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Benefits (effective January 1, 2016)



Priority in initiating and collaboratively engaging in the above activities of the Forum, as well as priority in:

  • Proposing JCPA special symposia issues
  • Organizing JCPA/ICPA-Forum workshops
  • Proposing JCPA/ICPA-Forum sponsored panels at key conferences with whom ICPA-Forum has collaborative partnerships, - leading and engaging the JCPA/ICPA- Forum membership in joint publications
  • Applying for joint research grants
  • Leading collaborative research consortia sponsored by the ICPA-Forum for a discounted annual fee.

Highest Priorty

Second level priority after Gold sponsors
Appointment of one school representative on the JCPA/ICPAForum International Institutional Council which will facilitate collaborations across and among partner institutions.
Free subscription to the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis extended to School/representative (usual cost $298)
Opportunity to have a representative on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis
Free advertising for your institution (School name, logo, link to its website) on a special International Institutional Members page on (a,) the webpage of the JCPA/ICPA-Forum, and (b.) front page of each issue of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis five issues per year.
Listing and acknowledgement of the School on all the activities of the ICPA-Forum and the JCPA.
Free advertising space in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis several times per year. You may use this to advertise conferences, new programs, employment opportunities, etc. (The usual cost is $550 per page; $350 half page).
Full page, 4/yr

Half page, 2/yr
Free advertising or communications among the ICPA-Forum listserv (over 1500 members) and the listservs of the international associations collaborating with us.

Discounts for faculty members of your institution to become individual ICPA-Forum members, inclusive of a free online subscription to the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis and significant discounts on books and journals by the JCPA publisher (at this time Routledge)