Call for Papers: 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference More information at: 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference& Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis20th ANNIVERSARY WORKSHOP"Comparing Public Policy Process and Effects: Well-Being and Growth in Central and Eastern Europe Countries" Venue: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of IasiDate: 23rd May 2018Workshop Convenor: Professor Marius Profiroiu, PhD,Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania.CALL FOR PAPERSOn 23rd May 2018, the 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference hosts the 20th ANNIVERSARY WORKSHOP of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA: affiliated with our partner scholarly society the ICPA-Forum. The workshop will be organized as an integral part of the conference (pre-conference event) to be held on May 24 – 26, 2018 in Iasi, Romania. The theme Public Policy Process and Effects: Well-Being and Growth in Central and Eastern Europe Countries will be addressed in a comparative perspective, with the focus on the way public policy processes and their effects influence well-being in terms economic, social and cultural growth. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss papers and new findings in a more detailed manner than the conference sessions would allow. The goal of the workshop is to involve established and young scholars in a dialogue advancing comparative policy studies. By comparative it is meant comparisons between the policies or policy experiments of social units (nations, institutions, organizations, and others). The comparisons can put forward comparative methods, comparative theories, supporting or reinforcing policy practices. (see the Aims and Scope of the JCPA at Faced with unprecedented challenges, such as globalization, corruption, government mistrust, economic changes, an aging society and migration, governments across Central and Eastern Europe need more than ever to be able to design modern governance and policy instruments. Public policy comparisons can facilitate the design, implementation and know-how transfer of public policies between governments in the region. It is believed that the comparative approach allows for lesson drawing, inspiration, transfer or adaptation of success stories, and avoidance of failures. These can considerably improve the decision-making processes, as well as citizens’ participation and quality of life. The 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference and the JCPA 20th Anniversary WORKSHOP welcome both theoretical and empirical studies. Topics may include but are not limited to: • Theoretical considerations regarding the influence of public policy process on countries’ development. • Challenges for policymakers and public administrators in the context of an Europe of change. • Empirical studies concerning the synergy and complementarity of European public policies.Important Information1. Paper proposals should be submitted via the NISPAcee online application system Dates:• Abstract Submission: of 200-300 words 10/04/2018. We limit 1 submission per presenter (co-authorship allowed). • A joint workshop steering committee will review the abstracts and announce selection results by 15/04/2018. • Accepted Paper Submission: according to NISPAcee MANUSCRIPT GUIDELINES and submitted by 29/04/2018 at the latest. Papers presented at this workshop will be considered for publication in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis:Research and Practice (JCPA), following the Journal’s standard reviewing process.2. All participants have to register for the NISPAcee conference online Early Registration deadline: April 4, 2018 Registration and payment deadline: May 2, 2018