Call for Special Issues: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis March 10, 2025March 10, 2025 Iris Geva-May General The Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice (JCPA) invites proposals for special issues that contribute to the development of comparative policy studies. Since its inception in 1998, JCPA has been the leading journal dedicated explicitly to comparative policy analysis, fostering a vibrant international community of scholars. JCPA is published at Taylor & Francis (3.9 (2023) Impact Factor; Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile)The JCPA aims to publish scholarship that captures the role of comparative policy analysis both within and between social units as well as differences or similarities in varied policy issues. JCPA is committed to theoretical and methodological pluralism and welcomes contributions from different conceptual frameworks, various analytic approaches, and diverse research designs that explore the current developments in comparative policy studies. Among other topics, we aim to contribute to:Comparative theory developmentComparative theory testingComparative methodology developmentThe evaluation of comparative research methodsComparative empirical policy researchThe practice implications of comparative public policyLesson-drawing and extrapolationSpecial issues should aim to provide innovative insights, present new methodologies, or address emerging topics in comparative policy analysis. We encourage submissions that not only highlight theoretical advancements but also empirical applications and implications in policy contexts.Proposal Submission GuidelinesInterested guest editors should submit a proposal that includes the following:Title of the proposed special issueInformation about the guest editors (names, affiliation, and previous experience with publications and editorship in the field of JCPA)Rationale for the theme and relevance to comparative policy analysis (500 words)Tentative list of at least 7 contributors and their proposed contributions and additionally an introduction that will be written by the guest editors. Please indicate whether the contributions have been confirmed by the authors, and whether you intend to launch a call for additional papers. Abstracts (150 words) for all contributions are required as well.Timeline for submission, peer review, and publicationDeadlinesProposal Submission Deadline: 30 April 2025Notification of Acceptance: until 15 May 2025For more information, please visit the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.Proposals should be sent to both Executive Editors for Special Issues at JCPA. Please don’t hesitate to contact them beforehand if you have any questions: Professor Sonja Blum : Professor Anat Gofen: