Call for Papers: Comparative Public Policies in the Age of Advanced Technologies

The International Conference on Comparative Public Policy in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Journal of Comparative Analysis

April 19-21, 2024

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University

To celebrate its 25th Anniversary, the Journal of Comparative Policy Research and Analysis: Research and Practice (JCPA) welcomes scholars, graduate students, and practitioners to participate in the International Conference on Comparative Public Policy, sponsored by the Society for International Comparative Policy Analysis (ICPA-Forum) and hosted by the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, to be held on April 19-21, 2024.


In today's increasingly digital world, advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Bio-Technology and Communication Modes are deeply intertwined with every aspect of society, including public policy. Policymakers around the world face the complex challenges of harnessing the power of these technologies to improve policy analysis processes, policy making and implementation, while keeping up the regulatory and policy framework to guard against the potential hazards to society.

This conference calls for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to engage in interdisciplinary comparative dialogues about the critical interplay between technology and public policy. We aim to foster discussions, widen debates, and offer innovative angles on the myriad ways in which today’s scientific breakthroughs and new technologies shape public policy. Of particular interest are the theoretical implications and practical applications of the papers presented.


January 15, 2024      Paper Proposal Submission Deadline

February 15, 2024          Proposal Review Decision Announcement

February 29, 2024        Early Registration and Fee Payment

March 15, 2024             Full Conference Paper Submission (for the Best Conference Paper Award)

April 15, 2024               Late Registration and Fee Payment

April 15, 2024               Conference Paper Submission

April 19-21, 2024         Main Conference

(Note: At least one author of the accepted paper has to register and pay the registration fee by February 29, 2024, in order for the paper to be included the conference program.)


All proposals must adhere to the AIMS and SCOPE of JCPA,and include the following information:

1) Cover page: authors or (co)authors names, corresponding author, institutional affiliation, mailing address, email address;

2) Text: of up to 500 words only considering: theoretical framework and/or development;, methodology and/or development; research questions; findings and implications; innovations;  unique contributions.



The conference will accept only papers written and presented in English. We welcome submissions of papers on the topics related, but not limited, to the following tracks: