Call for Proposals: Comparative Perspectives on Populism and the Remaking of Policy Agendas The Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice (JCPA) is planning for a series of events to celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2018. One such event that will be held in conjunction with the American Political Science Association (APSA) is a workshop on “Comparative Perspectives on Populism and the Remaking of Policy Agendas” in Boston, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, August 29, 2108.While the “age of Trump” has brought populism front and center in the dialogue about U.S. politics and policy, countries in many parts of the world have experienced populism in various forms. In this workshop, we examine the extent to which these experiences are similar or different across time and place. The joint JCPA/ICPA-Forum and APSA Workshop welcomes theoretical and empirical papers. Topics may include but are not limited to comparative perspectives of:How populism influences agenda setting and the framing of policy problemsWhether there are regional differences and distinctly European, Latin American, US manifestations of populismUnder what circumstances populist rhetoric translates into populist policy outcomesDeclining trust in government/elites and increasing skepticism as an antecedent to and a consequence of populismThe topics should be framed to investigate comparatively "How have populist social movements and political leaders arisen in different contexts, and how have they influenced policy processes and outcomes?" and follow the Aims and Scope of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis ( for Papers DetailsConvenerProfessor Eric Patashnikeric_patashnik@brown.eduAbstract Submissions Deadline to Convener: April 6, 2018 (300 words)Notification of Accepted Proposals: April 30, 2018Full Paper Submission and Registration: July 13, 2018Registration Information:The workshop includes a complimentary reception for invited paper presenters and discussants as well as refreshments and lunch during Workshop. The workshop fee for all participants (presenters, discussants and other attendees), is $250. The fee includes membership to the ICPA-Forum and all related benefits as well as a FREE annual subscription to the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.