20th Anniversary JCPA & ICPA-Forum Activities during Workshop

20th Anniversary JCPA & ICPA-Forum Activities during Workshop
JCPA & ICPA-Forum 20th Anniversary Workshop held at the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4)

"Causal Claims and Causal Inferences in Comparative Policy Analysis"

Venue : Concordia University, Montreal

If you're attending the
International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4)
We invite you to the below JCPA & ICPA-Forum activities:
JUNE 25, 2019 | 16:00-18:00
*Special Pre-Conference Event*
A Dialogue on Causality in Comparative Policy Analysis
Beryl Radin & B. Guy Peters

“What Have We Learned? Time to Look in the Mirror. Questions for Comparative Policy Analysts”, by  Beryl Radin,  Georgetown Public Policy Institute of Georgetown University, Washington, DC

“Causal Claims and Causal Inferences in Comparative Policy Analysis”, by  B. Guy Peters,  Maurice Falk Professor of Government, Department of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh

JUNE 25, 2019 | 18:00-19:00
RECEPTION of the JCPA and ICPA- Forum Scholarly Society

All participants of the JCPA and ICPA-Forum Workshop. Q&A on publication possibilities. Editors and friends of JCPA are invited.

JUNE 27, 2019 | 12:30 - 14:00
LUNCH MEETING (lunch will be provided)


Visit www.comparativepolicy.org to stay up to date
with the JCPA & ICPA-Forum!

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